Tag Archives: essentials

Christianity: The Essentials Part 4 – Love

The Beatles were wise men. Stoned men. But wise men nonetheless.

In what is the third to last post of this series (unless I think of something else absolutely essential to write about, but I’m trying to keep it slim), I’d like to discuss love.

If I had to summarise Christianity in a word, it would be love. When Jesus was asked to summarise Christianity (not that it was known as such back then), He said to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as you love yourself. “Do those things and you will live.” “live” meaning live in the eternal sense. All you need is love. Continue reading

Christianity: The Essentials Part 3 – Forgiveness

I mentioned in the first post in this series that this whole essentials idea was inspired by a news article I read about forgiveness (as well as my own preference to simplify things). I recommend you click through on the link and read that article before reading on here. Continue reading

Christianity: The Essentials Part 2 – Jesus

Continuing my endeavour to define what I think are the essentials of Christianity (after getting the non-essentials out of the way in my previous post), I’m gonna briefly outline why Jesus is essential, and what is essential about Jesus. Continue reading